As part of our services for first year superintendents, IASA provides many excellent administrators' academies, one of which is Finance Knowledge for the Superintendent (AAC #462). I highly recommend that you attend this Academy. It provides new superintendents with the finance skills to prepare the budget for the 2011-12 school year. ISBE financial consultants provide each participant with a flash drive that contains eight years of Annual Financial Report (AFR) data for your school district, your school district budget for 2010-11 and also resources to make financial projections for the future.
It has never been more important to make accurate financial projections as we head into these turbulent financial times for education. In addition to the projection software, this Academy provides you with information about short- and long-term borrowing, as well as information on effective communication of this financial information to your school community.
The academy will be offered on the following dates and locations: